- What is the difference between a baby, a toddler, and a newborn?
- Where were you born: in a hospital, in a clinic, at home or somewhere else?
- What is the earliest memory you have?
- Did you spend your early childhood in an apartment or a house? What was your childhood like?
- What was the earliest level of education you received? Did you go to a nursery, daycare, pre-school, kindergarten, Montessori, or some other type of childcare in your early years?
- Who took care of you the most during the ages of 0-5? Was it one of your parents, your grandparents, or someone else?
- At what age did you start formal education? What did you enjoy most about school? Did you have a favourite teacher? Did you participate in extracurricular activities? Which ones?
- How did you behave as a child? What was your personality like?
- What was your favourite subject in High School? Describe what your school was like. Was it easy being a teenager in your country? What were some of the difficulties that you faced?
- Did you attend any post secondary education in Canada? Did you attend in a different city? If you did, were you living in a dorm, with relatives, or renting an apartment?
- What was your biggest challenge when you left home? Was it easy to find a job or career? Was it easy to make friends or find a life-partner when you left home?
- Have you started a family of your own? What do you think are the most important things to do before someone starts a family? What advice would you give to someone who was starting a family?
- How would you describe the stage of life that you are in now?
- What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of these lifestyles:
Fast paced city lifestyle | Slow paced country lifestlye | Living in the country – commuting to the city | Wealthy, with a small family |
Having a small family, but few luxuries | Being famous – with a glamorous lifestyle | A low paying career you enjoy | A high paying career full of stress |
- At what age do you think you will retire? What will you do then?
- Do families in your culture live together? Will your family take care of you in your old age?
- Which of the following concerns you most about ageing:
health, mental ability, lack of money, loneliness, housing, boredom, other
Link to Drive: Stages of Life